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| Главная » 2012 » May » 10
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.63 + Portable | 22 MB + 27 MB Advanced Uninstaller PRO - provides uninstall applications installed on your computer. It serves as a replacement for the standard Add / Remove Programs Windows. It runs about 5-10 times faster. Can show the appropriate application icons. There is a search function applications by keyword. Advanced Uninstaller PRO automatically detects broken registry keys and deletes them on your solution. It is possible manually delete entries about installed programs from the registry. Here are some key features of "Advanced Uninstaller PRO": · Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function. · Uninstall, disable
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Aurora DesignBox 1.05.05 + Portable | 8 MB + 9 MB DesignBox will place at your disposal many tools to speed up your work. Do you feel frustrated, annoyed? Is success your goal? Then you want to use DesignBox to change your image effects, batch resize, rotate, mix a watermark, convert format, make GIF animations, create iOS icons, Generate QR code or draw your shapes as you please. DesignBox - Image Effects Easily adapt your pictures to the best popular styles, such as Fashion, LOMO, Digital Studio Effects, etc. Do you enjoy designing stylish and elegant men or beautiful girls? You may be a photographer, so you owe it to yourself to try this software tool. With a single click you’ll have at your disposal hundreds of picture styles, dozens of filters, be able a
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