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Главная » 2011 » November » 02

Incomedia Website X5 Multilingual + Portable | 107 MB + 75 MB

WebSite X5 is a completely visual software, structured as a guided intuitive process, that in just 5 steps allows the user to create, customize and publish professional web sites and online shops. I doubt this will much different to the dozens of other programs that do the same job as this so it might be wise to proceed with caution around this one. WebSite X5 is a completely visual software, structured as a guided intuitive process, that in just 5 steps allows the user to create, customize and publish professional web sites and online shops. When compared to previous versions, WebSite X5 Evolution is now completely renewed: creation of XHTML codes, new gallery of predefined graphics models, internal editor for photographic retouching of images and th ... More »
Catrgory: Portable Graphics | Views: 1180 | Date: 2011-11-02 | Rating: 0.0/0

RonyaSoft Poster Designer 2.01.29 + Portable | 14 MB + 16 MB

RonyaSoft Poster Designer is an easy-to-use software program for design and printing of attractive individual posters, banners and signs. Collection of ready-to-use poster templates and intuitive user interface allow to make own posters and banners in a few clicks. Any detail of a poster template can be customized according to your needs, including an image, text, color, size, style, etc.

Print Wizard helps to print posters on home or office printers. Additionally it is possible to export posters to images to print at printing services or to use in blogs, forums or social sites. Possibility to print multipage posters and multipage banners is also provided.

Following templates are built-in: old west wanted ... More »
Catrgory: Portable Graphics | Views: 641 | Date: 2011-11-02 | Rating: 0.0/0

Glary Utilities Pro + Portable | 6.3 MB + 6 MB

Glary Utilities is a collection of system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC. It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces (theres a plug-in support for 45+ external programs). You can also manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files.

Furthermore, Glary Utilities includes the options to optimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall software. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more. All Glary Utilit ... More »
Catrgory: Portable Utilities | Views: 533 | Date: 2011-11-02 | Rating: 0.0/0

Notepad++ 5.9.6 + Portable | 5.3 MB + 3.3 MB

Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. It also gives the extra functionality to define a user's own language for the syntax folding and syntax highlighting. You can print your source code in color. It allows a user to edit the different document in the same time and even to edit the same document synchronizely in 2 different views. Notepad++ supports full drag and drop. The programming languages supported by Notepad++ are:
ASP, Ada, ASCII art, Assembly, AutoIt, BAT, C, C#, C++, Caml, CSS, doxygen, FORTRAN, HTML, Haskell, Java, javascript, KiXtart, Lisp, Lua, makefile, Matlab, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Unix Shell Script, Smalltalk, SQL, Tcl, TeX, V ... More »
Catrgory: Portable Utilities | Views: 570 | Date: 2011-11-02 | Rating: 0.0/0

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