Wik and the Fable of Souls is a game developed by Reflexive Entertainment. The main character, Wik, who is a frog-man like character, uses a combination of jumping and his long, grapple-like tongue to navigate the world. Accompanying Wik on his journey is a mule-like creature named Slotham. On each level the player must capture a set number of grubs and deliver them to Slotham, but getting the grubs to Slotham becomes more and more challenging through each "chapter". There are various bugs that try to steal the grubs or directly harm Wik, and on some levels Wik can fall off the platforms into the abyss.
The game has over 120 jaw-dropping levels, enchanting atmospheric music, stunning effects and never-before-seen game play. This is a delightful game featuring superbly detailed graphics that will keep you spellbound with amazement. Download and discover the mystery of Wik!
System requirements:
• OS: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
• Memory: 128MB
• CPU: Pentium 733
Size : 44 MB