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Main page » 2009 » September » 9 » StarDock ObjectDock (Portable)

The Your Life Style

StarDock ObjectDock (Portable)
11:58 AM

ObjectDock Plus takes your dock experience to the next level! If you liked the fun style and useful features that the never-nagging free-to-use version provided, you'll love the whole next step of enhancements provided by Plus!

A listing of some Plus Exclusives:

>>Tabbed Docks for the ultimate in stylish organization!
>Create as many docks as you'd like!
>Show your system tray icons in your dock
>Special taskbar options
>Task grouping
>Colorize backgrounds to your liking in a single click
>.More mouseover effects
>Automatically hide your dock for maximized applications

Features :

Easy to use shortcut organizer
Simple drag & drop operation
Convenient autohide and "keep in background" modes
The most popular program of its kind - 3.5 million users to date
Fully customizable - tons of backgrounds and images freely available
Low system resource usage
Smooth animations
Designed to run smoothly even on older computers
Weather flyout showing your current conditions & 5-day forecast
The universal standard for Docklet extensions
Helpful support team and message boards
Consistet updates - will continue to be updated and improved for years and years to come
We listen to customer feedback - new features and abilities added to each revision
Running programs show up on dock, can minimize to it
Super-smooth minimize animations in Vista
Many languages supported, unicode compliant

New in v1.9

Brand new weather docklet - New docklet uses brand new technology to fly out your 5 day forecast when you click on it or hover over it, and hides it when your mouse goes away.

Zoomin/Zoomout smoothness significantly enhanced, and is now adjustable. Find the new options in the "Quality & Performance" settings

ObjectDock now comes bundled with some really great artwork (icons and backgrounds) from the community. (Permission recieved to use all of the images involved).

New artwork has been pre-associated with over 50 different programs. As result, chances are if you add a program, it will show up with a nice high-resolution icon!

New minimize effect on Vista! When Live Thumbnails are in use on Vista and your dock is showing a taskbar, windows will now do a nice minimize animation into any zooming dock. I

Super-smooth live-minimize effect: Effort was made to make it work with minimal to no interference to your workflow, and the animation should never jump around / flicker heavily at the end unlike other versions of this effect you may have seen.

and more....

Size: 10.5 MB


Category: Portable Utilities | Views: 1259 | User: portable | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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2 andri  
vreu aceasta prograpa

1 andri  

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