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Main page » 2012 » January » 18 » KeyPass Enterprise Edition v4.9.15 + Portable

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KeyPass Enterprise Edition v4.9.15 + Portable
8:49 PM

KeyPass Enterprise Edition v4.9.15 + Portable | 3 Mb + 3 Mb

KeyPass Enterprise Edition is a versatile password manager that types your passwords for you! Unlike other password managers that requires tedious cut-and-paste or drag-and-drop operations to enter your passwords, KeyPass types the passwords for you when a user-defined "hot key" is pressed. As such, it works with any browser or application, including web browsers, terminal emulators and corporate services. You are not limited to Internet Explorer alone!

KeyPass stores all your sensitive information in an encrypted database. The information is encrypted using 448-bit blowfish algorithm and a master password is required to unlock the information in the database. You can be sure that only you have access to secret information such as passwords, credit card numbers, PIN numbers and sensitive documents.

KeyPass can be installed on external storage devices such as keychain-size USB flash drives.. Unlike other password managers that write configuration information to the Windows registry, KeyPass stores everything in the encrypted database so that it can be run without prior installation. This allows you to carry all your sensitive information with you wherever you go. Simply plug the device into any PC and immediately access all your information and passwords!

KeyPass Enterprise Edition is perfect for enterprise administrators to distribute passwords to users. Instead of forcing users to remember passwords, an administrator can store them in KeyPass, assign a read-only password and distribute them to users. In this way, users will be able to use the information in KeyPass, but will not be able to modify them. Only the administrator has the authority to update the database. Changes can also be seamlessly distributed to the users by making KeyPass synchronize with a reference database in a remote network share.

Enterprise Edition. In this version, all features of KeyPass is available to you, including the ability to set the read-only password. This allows you to distribute KeyPass to users so that they can use the information stored in KeyPass, but will not be able to modify them. Only you, the administrator, have the authority to update the database.

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KeyPass Enterprise Edition v4.9.15

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KeyPass Enterprise Edition v4.9.15 Portable

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Category: Portable Utilities | Views: 967 | User: portable | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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