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Main page » 2012 » June » 23 » FastPictureViewer Home Basic 1.8.257 + Portable

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FastPictureViewer Home Basic 1.8.257 + Portable
2:00 PM

FastPictureViewer Home Basic 1.8.257 + Portable | 26 Mb + 23 Mb

FastPictureViewer is a free of charge tool capable to visualize almost all the popular photo formats. This software also features ICC color management as well as zooming and copy/move/delete functions. Introducing FastPictureViewer Professional, an image viewer with the speed and features needed to help you review digital photos faster and better than ever before.

Designed with professional photographers in mind, FastPictureViewer is a minimalist image viewer and culling tool engineered for previewing and rating digital images faster. The program features full ICC color management with support for profiled monitors, instant zooming and copy/move/delete functions, plus industry-standard Adobe XMP and Microsoft Photo rating, ideal for Fast reviewing, culling and rating of large quantities of images.

It displays shooting data (shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, exposure compensation) and RGB histogram in seamless floating windows and features a built-in program launcher, all in a slick and uncluttered user-interface. A tethering function is also available and works with all cameras fully compatible with the MTP/PTP transfer protocol, which includes most Nikon and recent Canon DSLRs.

The software supports fast previewing of raw image formats such as Nikon NEF, Canon CR2, Panasonic RW2, Olympus ORF and Adobe DNG through manufacturer-supplied or 3rd party image decoders. Standard image formats such as TIFF/MTIFF, JPEG, HD Photo, PNG, GIF, BMP and ICO are supported.

The program has been translated to several languages, including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish and is able to browse folders and images who's names can be written in any language, thanks to its support for the Unicode standard. FastPictureViewer is among the firsts of a new breed of hardware accelerated desktop applications and delivers unprecedented speed and ease of use.

This software will help you speed up your digital workflow!


FastPictureViewer Home Basic 1.8.257

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FastPictureViewer Home Basic 1.8.257 Portable

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Category: Portable Graphics | Views: 1477 | User: portable | Rating: 0.0/0 |

Total comments: 2
2 grosfetard  

Je squate depuis quelques temps et j'ai décidé de poster moi aussi.

Pour faire court, je me nomme Seb j'ai 23 printemps et je vis a Lyon.
J'aime le foot et les femmes mais je détestes les féministes lol.

Je sors tous les samedi et il parait que désormais chaque conducteur doit garder deux éthylotests dans véhicule.
Ce site ma mit la puce a l'oreil:
1) Pouvez-vous me dire si c'est avéré?
2) Savez-vous ou je peux en trouver pour pas cher?

Merci d'avance.

PS: Désolé si c'est hors-sujet, mais je n'ai personne avec qui en parler a part vous, ma consommation d'alcool est tabou dans mon entourage.

1 WalpNatttheah  
Want to do the moon easter egg here is all the steps in this amazing video

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