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Main page » 2009 » January » 12 » Portable ExifPro 1.0.5

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Portable ExifPro 1.0.5
10:24 PM

ExifPro is a great tool for all fans of digital photography and not only for them - almost everyone owns a digital camera nowadays and it’s pretty handy to find out some details about your picture by reading EXIF information. This is not only an EXIF reader but also a media viewer and organizer.
ExifPro is an application meant to display, manipulate and browse photographs. ExifPro can display images in different view modes. Selected images may be copied, resized, cropped and adjusted using tools offered by ExifPro. ExifPro can also present information embedded in JPEG photographs (EXIF block) describing different parameters digital camera used while taking a shot. One can create HTML albums or slide show applications using built-in generators, print images, append descriptions and tags.
Standalone viewer window offers zooming and panning, image color and aspect correction, magnifier tool, light table pane and a slide show mode. Here viewer window can be seen with a preview bar and a light table visible. Preview bar provides quick access to all loaded images, while the light table may be used as a place to keep selected images. Two images can be inspected side by side thanks to the split view feature.

Key features:

* Speed
ExifPro offers fast access to photographs both while scanning folders and opening them in a viewer. Caching mechanism speeds up access to already visited folders.
* Tools
Set of tools to manipulate JPEG files: resizing, rotating, cropping, adjusting colors and levels, transferring, printing as well as generating HTML pages and stand-alone slide shows.
* Loss-less and automatic rotation
ExifPro can rotate JPEG images without any loss in quality (no decoding & encoding). It also features an ability to rotate images automatically based on the orientation information stored by a digital camera.
* Tags
An ability to apply tags to photographs and copy them to folders based on the tags makes it easy to collect a group of images fulfilling your criteria.
* Color correction
Image Color Correction provides more faithful display of photographs.
* Aspect ratio correction
Monitor Resolution option along with the CRT Aspect Correction can restore original shapes in displayed photographs.
* Canon, Nikon, Olympus raw image
Canon raw images (CR2), Nikon’s D70 and newer (NEF), Olympus E-300 (ORF) files contain big preview image. ExifPro can access CR2/NEF/ORF files directly reading embedded preview image.

Category: Portable Graphics | Views: 1235 | User: miso2004 | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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